I N S P I R E D B Y .

During the holidays, I took a little break from my new 'inspired by.' series due to gift guides and other content that was filling my calendar, but with the new year among us, I'm excited to be back at it.  As you know, Pinterest is such a source of inspiration for me and so helpful when I feel like I'm in a creative rut.  No matter the category - quotes that speak to me, organization tips, French decor, a new hairstyle, garden inspo - whatever it is, it always seems to give me the little kick in the butt I need to feel inspired again.  So, as I mentioned in my last post, I'm going to pick a few of those pins each week to share with you and hopefully they inspire you just as much as they do me!  Without further ado, here's what's on my list this week and why:I N S P I R E D  B Y .ONE. // For whatever reason, I am so into hair clips right now.  I'm not really into the huge, statement clips, but the minimal ones gives me all the feels.  Not only do they instantly make an outfit look chic, but they also give off these vintage vibes that I'm here for.  We've been binging 'Mad Men' for the last couple of weeks and my favorite part of the entire show is seeing the outfits + hair styles.  Now that my hair has gotten a bit longer again, I'm excited for messy ponytails, braids in the summer, and maybe even adding a few low-lights back in.  Hair clips aren't something I want to spend a ton of money on, but I love adding them to my basic looks.  I'm loving this one, this one, and these that are similar to the look above and only $12!TWO. // As most of you probably know, we planted a TON of confederate jasmine all along our privacy fence last Spring.  Throughout the warmer months, it grew like crazy and we can't wait until it takes over the entire fence.  We loved the idea of creating some sort of 'X' pattern to match our gate with copper wire, similar to the image above, but ultimately decided to just let it take over naturally.  That said, we have an idea that we hope will give us a few more inches of privacy on top of our fence and will give us that 'X' shape/pattern we love.  We're still working out the details and cost of the project and as soon as we know it's a go, we'll share more, but this image/inspiration is stunning!  (For more info on our jasmine + climbing vines, see that post HERE.)THREE. // I talk a lot about finding the 'soul' in everything and recently I've decided to make that more of a priority in my relationships.  J and I share the same soul on many different levels, so typically we gravitate towards the same types of people.  Over the last couple of years, I've been so intentional about pouring into relationships with those that I know get me on a soul level.  And vice versa.  However, on the other side of that, I've recently realized a few relationships in our life that the soul-connection just really isn't there.  And that's perfectly okay.  Not every relationship has to have that type of depth, but it is a good way of measuring who/what consumes your time and energy.  In 2020, I'm really focused on relationships that are reciprocal, anything but surface level, and moving on from the feeling of obligation.  Focusing on the ones that have 'golden souls' and humbly walking away from others.FOUR. // Everyone seems to feel the need to get organized after the New Year and I am all about it. I've been cleaning out closets, donating old clothes I haven't worn in months, organizing bathroom drawers that have seen better days, and throwing things out that no longer have a purpose.  It's so freeing!!  Anyway, I posted an instastory a few days ago of my bathroom counter as I reorganized a few of my favorite skincare + beauty products, and I received a ton of questions about my vanity tray! The one I have is old from Nordstrom, but I found a couple of similar options for you here and here.  Additionally, it's usually hit or miss, but Home Goods typically has a few good options, too.  I love how minimal this image is - the color palette is on point and the brands are so good.  It's makes me crave less and better, and that's enough inspiration for me!I hope you're all having a great week so far!  Our week is pretty routine, other than a quick trip to Charleston tomorrow.  I saved your responses from instagram on what you want to see more of in 2020 and J and I went through them over the weekend.  I'm so excited for a lot more home content, how to posts, neutral + basic outfits, and of course, writing wholeheartedly.  Thank you so much for stopping by - XX.Meg


