There's nothing I love more than lighting a candle anytime of year, but especially now.  Every morning, I open as many windows throughout the house as I can, light a candle or two, and get the coffee brewing.  Scents have a way of making us feel - they can instantly take us back to a memory or remind us why we love coming home at the end of the day.  For me, there are a few scents around our house that I'll never tire of.  Products that I have a back stock of because I can't imagine running out of them.  From the living room to the laundry room - these are the scents that make me feel right at home.

NO. 1 // EspressoWe love our SMEG Espresso Machine and making a yummy latte to start the day.  {Espresso, Unsweetened Vanilla Almond Milk + Honey} We're loyal to Cafe Bustelo Espresso and the way the aroma fills our kitchen each morning is heavenly.  Mama's running off of caffeine and a prayer these days, so I can't go without it! NO. 2 // The Laundress Le Labo + Baby DetergentIt's no secret that we're HUGE fans of The Laundress, but specifically their Le Labo and Baby Detergents.  I know, I know, I can't stop talking about it.  When we initially worked with the brand about two years ago, we were excited to try the products, but had no idea we would become so addicted.  A couple of years later, it's the only brand that fills our laundry room shelves and we'll never go back!  We use the Le Labo Detergent on our sheets and towels (we alternate the scents because I love them both), the Signature Detergent on everything else, and the Baby Detergent on all of Linen's things.  When I climb into our freshly washed bed at night or fold Linen's little clothes throughout the day, the scents just make me feel so at home.  I'll probably still be using the Baby Detergent on her clothes when she's 18 because it literally makes my heart skip a beat when I smell it.  It will forever remind me of this sweet season of life with her.  Trust me, The Laundress is one little luxury you'll always thank yourself for. NO. 3 // Diptyque 'Baies' CandleLet's just say if my mother knew how much I spent on candles, she'd pass out in the floor.  I can't help it, there's just nothing like a good candle burning and lingering through your home room by room.  I'm very picky when it comes to which scents I'll burn, so when I find one I love, I'm loyal.  Diptyque 'Baies' is just that for me - it's a classic that will forever make me feel at home when I smell it.  I have every size it comes in and at least one in every room.  (Don't do the math on that, J.)  It's one of those things that makes me so happy and because of that, worth every penny.  They're perfect for adding to your Christmas list or stocking up on the minis during the Nordstrom Sale, too.  I get a deal when I can, but most definitely something I'll try my best never to run out of.  A few of my other favorites?  'Napa' by Archipelago and 'Italian Fig' by Shop Anecdote. NO. 4 // Le Labo Body WashPre-baby, but especially now, postpartum - a bath is my saving grace at the end of the day.  After I get  Linen's nighttime routine checked off of my list, J gives her a bottle and mama hits the bathtub.  Right before I delivered, one of my best friends, Megan, told me to take a luxe body wash to the hospital with me for my first shower after baby.  At the time, I didn't really understand her logic behind that, but we're almost always on the same page, so I took her advice.  I'm so glad I did!!  After surgery, pain medication, and little to no sleep, even a hospital shower felt rejuvenating thanks to a boujee body wash.  Even more than that, every single time I smell it now, it takes me back to that moment.  Exhausted and barely standing, yet stronger and happier than ever.  That's what I love about your sense of smell - it's emotional. NO. 5 // Meyer's Surface CleanerWe all know I'm not the cleaner in the family, but if there's one thing I'm good at, it's keeping a clean kitchen. (Well, don't include the last 10 weeks into that, but you get it.)  J and I made a deal when we first got married - he does the laundry, I do the dishes.  Because of that, the kitchen has always sort of felt like my territory and I love that.  Minus the whole cooking thing.  After putting everything away and straightening up each night after dinner, one of the easiest ways to keep it clean is this Meyer's Surface Cleaner.  My two favorite scents are Peony and Lavender - the floral scents radiate through our space and into the next morning.  And let me tell you - there's nothing better than waking up to a clean kitchen!Thanks so much for stopping by, X.Meg[show_shopthepost_widget id="4207193"]


